Welcome to IOS


Early identification
and prompt, private, cost-effective, disposition
of employee-customer-vendor matters




  • Evite feblès Litij
  • Pwoteje Company repitasyon
  • Ankouraje ak Rekonpanse Anplwaye fidelite
  • Vin Moral ak productivity
  • Market kòm yon avantaj konpetitif
  • Adrès Kondisyon Konfòmite Legal
    • Sarbanes-Oxley
    • Dodd-Frank
    • Etazini Gid Santans
    • Evite ekskli kòm kontraktè Gouvènman



Virtual Ombuds Biwo

  • Custom-Designed to Meet Your Company Requirements
  • Endepandan, san patipri, Konfidansyèl, Kominikasyon Enfòmèl Chèn televizyon
  • Nan Sispèk fot nou, Dilèm etik, ak Sijesyon pozitif
  • Soti nan Anplwaye ou ak Kliyan / Kliyan ak Fournisseurs / Founisè
  • Via te enskri ou Pwofesyonèl iOS Konseye Prensipal
  • Familiar with Your Business Operations and Culture
  • To Confer Directly with Your Designated Senior Management
  • On Appropriate Courses of Action

Ombuds Support Services

To augment and complement existing ombudsman or comparable capabilities.

  • Investigations
  • Fact-Finding
  • Exit Interviews
  • Conciliation
  • Mediation
  • Conflict Management Training (preventive and remedial)
  • Executive Coaching
  • Assessments of Corporate Policies and Practices



The Next Generation – Ombuds 2.0

  • Custom Designed for your company operations and culture
  • Flexible and Efficient – Only Services Required
  • Extraordinary Expertise in Business and the Professions
  • TEAM*Ombuds(sm) provides more cost-effective expertise
  • Practical advice from Seasoned Business People
  • Entènasyonal Experience and Capabilities
  • Lower Costs – No Capital or Overhead Expense
  • Adhere to IOA Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct
    • More Independent and Credibleto
      • anplwaye
      • customers
      • vendors
      • government agencies