What We Offer

Ured Virtualni pravobranitelj

  • Custom-Designed to Meet Your Company Requirements
  • Nezavisan, Nepristran, Povjerljiv, Neformalni komunikacijskih kanala
  • Za koje se sumnja nedjela, Etičke dileme, i pozitivne prijedloge
  • Od vaši zaposlenici i klijenti / kupaca i prodavača / dobavljača
  • Preko dodijeljeni Stručni savjetnik za IOS Osnovnoj
  • Familiar with Your Business Operations and Culture
  • To Confer Directly with Your Designated Senior Management
  • On Appropriate Courses of Action

Ombuds Support Services

To augment and complement existing ombudsman or comparable capabilities.

  • Investigations
  • Fact-Finding
  • Exit Interviews
  • Conciliation
  • Mediation
  • Conflict Management Training (preventive and remedial)
  • Executive Coaching
  • Assessments of Corporate Policies and Practices