IOS Reporting Programa x-Eskola for

x-Eskola aukeratu ditu IOS independente bat emateko, informal, egiteko modu pribatua [guraso / ikasle / langile / beste batzuk] x-Eskola egin hobeto laguntzeko eta hobeto egon:

  • Edozein motatako hobekuntzak proposatzea, large and small
  • Berri-osasuna kezka - depresio larria, substance abuse
  • Reporting suspected misconduct – financial or personal (unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying)
  • Seeking guidance on ethical dilemmas – What is the right thing for you to do?

You communicate, one-on-one, bat izendatu IOS aholkularia - bat bizi, knowledgeable, heldua, independente profesionala.

You decide on your degree of privacy, confidentiality, anonymity. We are committed to using our best efforts to protect and defend it to the full extent authorized by law.

Mesedez ulertzen komunikazio horrekin IOS informal da eta ez da x-Eskola nabarituko. Any required notices of claims and other legal requirements must be satisfied separately and directly, and NOT by or through IOS

IOS Online Reporting System

  • While you may choose to communicate with IOS by postal service, voicemail, fax or email, our secure online reporting system works best
  • To use it, click Create New Report below. That will take you to a screen with a text-message box for you to make and edit your submission in your own words, in your own way, in your own time. Nothing goes anywhere until you click on the “Submit” button
  • You will then immediately receive a unique ten-character Passcode required to access the secure private page created for your matter
  • After that, click on “Go To Existing Report” and enter your Passcode at any time to access your private page
  • On that secure page you will be informed of the identity of your designated IOS Advisor. On the IOS website, under Our People, you will find the full professional resume and photo of your designated Advisor. If, for any reason (or no reason), you are not comfortable with that individual, you say so, and we will assign someone else
  • On your private, pasakodea babestuta, page, you and your IOS advisor can engage in unlimited text-message communications. (You may also agree to other ways to communicate: telephone, email, fax, postal service.) This page will also show the status of your matter